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Congratulations to our club members, Aimi Imagawa and Enaj Alabanza who passed the

examinations for 1 Kyu and 3 Dan respectively on Sunday, June 5th.

The following 8 Kyoshi 7 Dan Senseis from Kurume, Fukuoka Prefecture practiced with

us at Hawaii Daijingu Dojo on Friday, June 10th and Kaimuki Honbu Dojo on Sunday,

June 12th, Dr. Hisamitsu Hidaka, Mr. Hiroki Sato, Mr. Mitsuo Okuma, Mr. Tadashi

Kaneko, Mr. Yoshikatsu Tanaka, Mr. Katsutoshi Akiyama, Mr. Kanji Watanabe and Mr.

Kingo Ogawa. It was awesome to see so many good, strong Senseis perform beautiful

kendo. I was hoping that they would repeat their visit in the near future.

Noa Mulder and Caden Matsumoto escorted by Mr. Kevin Kamita and myself practiced

with students at Toyomura Azumori Sensei’s Tohkyo Budokan in Ohta Ku, Tokyo, from

June 23rd through 25th. They did well and their motivation level seemed to be raised

significantly. We should take more children to Japan for the future of Hawaii Kendo.

I was away in Japan when Leeward Oahu Tournament on Sunday, June 26th. I was told

that Aimi Imagawa did very well though this was her 1st tournament experience.

Though Heeia District park is letting us practice on State and Federal Holidays, we

decided to cancel our practice on Monday, 4th of July Independence Day due to small

number of anticipated attendance.

Pacific Northwest Kendo Federation is inviting Murayama Chinatsu Sensei from Saitama

to lead the seminar and have Women’s Tournament on Saturday, July 16th in Renton,

Washington. Hawaii has been sending Team for 3 consecutive tournaments. However,

this time only one person, Reiko Hayashi is attending the seminar and participating in the tournament. I decided to go to show my support for PNKF efforts.

Our club member, Rheanna Dominici, is going to Japan under J.E.T. program initially for

a year to teach English to Junior High School students in Fukushima. Her last

appearance at our dojo will be Wednesday, July 27th. Come and join in our sendoff party.

Our yearly fund raise project will start in August. We need your help for selling/buying

tickets. Our club operation and support for kendo children’s activities depend on this

fund raise. We will contact you when we receive tickets.

Chiba Masashi Sensei, Hanshi 8 Dan, sent me a T-shirt with his words on. It says,

“Nanigoto mo Yamezu Yasumazu Akiramezu,” in all things you pursue, do not quit, do

not pause and do not give up. Chiba Sensei’s kendo life is just like what he is saying.

He worked at it without stopping and resting. That is why he has achieved many

distinguished accomplishments. Several years ago, he had a stroke. I am sure that he is

not giving up and working on his rehabilitation.




Iwao Sato, Chief Instructor

Wahiawa Kendo Club


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